Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why I am not a Democrat

Affirmative Action. The Democratic Party's sense of community is often the more powerful and effective agent for large change than mere self-interest as self-interest is always the enemy of sacrifice and service. Group rights can sometimes be where the individual is freest...unless you belong to the wrong group, then it becomes the most serious threat to individual diversity and the most negligent caretaker of individual liberty.

A political calculus based upon skin pigmentation that valuates Oprah's daughter (if she has one) above a Vietnamese refugee in the hierarchy of victimization is profoundly obscene and immoral and belies a deep disdain for the individual. Groups don't suffer; individuals do. Compensation for pain not personally suffered and punishment for pain not personally inflicted is an inversion of Martin Luther King's dream where our sons and daughters are not "judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character". To that end, affirmative action is a huge failure in eliminating the impositions of race. It is the triumph of racism for not only has it impersonated fairness, its new ability to shift the curse of skin color to a different object of racism has guaranteed its perpetuation.

Thriving upon victimization, affirmative action is a self-destructive fetish that subverts individual sovereignty and institutionalizes the very inequality upon which group identity can only be meaningful. Therefore, the group cannot be but deeply interested in remaining an eternal victim or risk extinction. If self-interest is bad, group-interest is a giant self among giant selves.

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