Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Being a loser is victory for men?

Just about everything Matt Patterson says that men should be thankful for in his article is a loser's wet dream. Yes I know he's being facetious. But there's no mistaking his intent. Patterson wants to say that the feminist movement isn't perfect. But what he instead shows is what losers men are.

The movement for sexual equality indeed has been an equality by subtraction for men. While the inequalities that favor men have been steadily diminishing over time, the inequalities that favor women have remained virtually unchanged. Prostate cancer still gets the least amount of funding per new case and with a 10% higher incidence rate than breast cancer, still gets barely 50% of the funding for each new case of breast cancer. 90% of all inmates are men . Even with underreporting of domestic violence against men, DOJ statistics show that women commit more violence against the opposite sex than men though women are more likely to be injured. Gay men are 5 times more likely to be targets of hate crimes than lesbians. 78% of all murdered victims in the US are men. Men are twice more likely to be victims of carjacking than women. 35% of boys drop out of high school compared to 28% of girls. Men are 3 times more likely to commit suicide than women. And more.

Sexual equality has proceeded exclusively from the point of view of women. But Patterson not only fails to show that. He instead demonstrates why men should be less and less equal to women. Is he saying that it was a big mistake that women worked like men? Or did I misread him?

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