Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Good news!!!.

Have you read about the disappearing Himalayan glaciers? They could be gone by 2035. The world is seriously melting so we must pass legislations that could cost the global economy trillions in lost economic growth and keep developing nations in poverty.

Well, there's good news!!! The bad news was a typo (wink. wink. nudge. nudge). The most pessimistic estimate is actually 2350. So, the ecopalyptic prediction is really 315 years off.

So, was all that fear really because of a hyperbole? Pretty much. But at least it was for a good cause (and billions of dollars in research grants that will be used for more research to keep scaring us so that more research dollars would come in). Besides it's finally (and conveniently) being corrected now. Better late than never, as they say.

This is how climate science should be in the first place. Climate science is the only science that isn't subject to review and it's the only science that doesn't make corrections.

Now that climate science is starting to be less about climate and more about science, are corrections forthcoming?

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